"Military Collector Group Post" "An international
email magazine dedicated to the preservation |
The backmails may contained invalid Internet links and references but I felt that the articles should be presented here for the most part as they were published. An Index with links is presented at the bottom of this page. Background Background In the late 1990's Dennis organized the
Military Collectors Group and published an "Email Magazine" which came
out several times a week and was sent via email internationally. Each
issue of the Magazine consisted of contributions by numerous authors that
were edited and compiled by Dennis and then sent out as an Email. Often
Dennis would publish in great detail an informative article covering such
subjects as a radio's history and maintenance techniques. Over a period
of time many issues of this post contained topics of similar interest
and consequently once a year those articles with related topics were combined
into a "Backmail" file to make further distribution easier. Those of us
who received these large "Backmail" files appreciated the editing
job that Dennis accomplished. Later he started a special weekly issue
devoted to Military Manuals(Saturday Paper Trail) and Technical Orders(Sunday
Wants/Trades), many of us acquired tech data for our equipment using the
posted messages.
![]() Dennis is very active with the HF backpack and portable groups. He monitors the frequencies of 3996, 5403.5, 7296, 14342.5, 18157.5 & participates in daily nets on these frequencies(USB). In addition a nightly net at 02:00Z on 40 meters is composed of numerous people with like interests. The group frequencies listed here are easy to find on 75 and 40 meters just listen for USB. |
"Military Collector Group Post, BACKMAIL LIST; Nov. 29/99 As the list of our Back Issues become too long to post anymore we condense all those topics of particular interest into the "Backmail" files. The following is a list of these files, you may select the ones you wish to see, and I'll forward them on to you. When grouping these selected articles into files, I always try to combine similar topics together, but this is not always possible, or practical so don't think you will be getting on the available data we have on a given subject with a single backmail file, search them all! "
Now for the first time the Backmails will be published for everyone to view. I apologize for the readability of some the files as the page formatting was lost during my conversion and subsequently paragraph indentation, spacing etc have been compromised resulting in some very large paragraphs. We are working on a correction process and possible PDF files for downloading. However the files that are listed here are complete. k4che |
INDEX Backmail #12(link below)(80 plus pages). Documented. This is a very large multi part document,composed by Mr. Dennis Starks that describes in detail all known PRC equipment both foreign & domestic from PRC-1 to over PRC-9000.Along with a list of the references the material was gathered from. It was originally transmitted in a 10 part series. Later, a greatly condensed version was again sent which did not contain the complete data of the original. This later, greatly condensed version, is still too large be sent via email, but can be seen On Tom Norris' Web Site at: HTTP://www.telalink.net/~badger/millist/mi.html **************************** Note: An edited PRC equpment list can be viewed at:
#26 (12 pages) PRC-126 HINTS; Radio Counterpoise Questions,& Military Radio Web Sites? ARC-5 Joke,Dave's Remarkable Restraint So Now You Have a PRC-47; by Dennis Starks Part I, Some History Part II, Preperation Part III, Some Hints & Mods PRC-47 Germanium Versus Silicone; Nick Broline PRC-25 HINT; from Pete McCollum **************************** (18 pages) PC BOARD MAKEING FOR DUMMIES KEN NEEDS A HUMMER SEM-52A, SOME HELP IN PROGRESS SEM-52A DATA; by Alan Tasker THE GERMAN SEM-52; By Alan Tasker REVISED SEM-52 DATA; TG-5??? HT-2A??? "Metallsuchgerate MSG 75",by Bill Howard MAGIC EYE TUBES; by John Mackesy **************************** (12 pages) PRC-68 QUESTIONS; PRC-70,Questions Answered & Operation.by Jim Karlow The RT-70,more than just a Tank Radio! by Dennis Starks TRC-77,Good Radio,Wrong Time. by Dennis Starks ANOTHER CLUE TO THE TRC-77's USE; From Steve Hill AN Type Numbers Versas RT Type Numbers, & Some URC Questions. **************************** (12 pages) Hand Crank Generator Storie's; by Hue Miller, & Dennis Starks Lets Talk Navy MAB & DAV-2. by Dennis Starks OPS/Village & Hamlet radios & system. Letter from me to Keith Melton describing the radios,history,& The man that made it. happen.(Hallicrafters,Hammerland,etc), by Dennis Starks BC-639 What is it,Should I Restore It?; by Dennis Starks **************************** (3pages) PPS-4? GRC-164, what is it? (19 pages) Alternate Power Sources; Mark G's Designs For Portables,& SEM-52 mods.by Mark Gluch More Alternate Power Source Discussion,For Portables A Bit Pricie,But If Your To Dumb To Make One Yourself; A new source for TNM type battery adapters. Some Battery Hints,Vibrator & Balast Troubles,Etc. Power Supplies For Portables & Others,Using Whats Out There. by Dennis Starks Tube Checker As A Power Supply? More Power Supply Tips,Useing Whats Out There. By Pete McCollum Specs for Typical Business Band Power Supply. Just to Get An Idea Of What Can Be Done With It. by Nich Broline Ralph Has Some Progress Line Power Supplies Avail. Complete Specs. The Ultimate Universal Inverter Transformer? & Typical Radio Power Requirements. by Dennis Starks More Inverter Design Discussion; by Mark Gluch, & Dennis Starks Nick's Inverter Transformer Input; by Nick Broline RE: DC-DC; Ralph Hogan, & Dennis Starks Pete's Inverter Transformer Ideas; Filement types? **************************** (14 pages) BC-620, -659 OVERVIEW; Ed Guzick MEMBERS WRITE; BC-620/BC-659 Rebut SCR-284(BC-654); by Dennis Starks SCR-536(BC-611); What's the Scoop Dennis? RADIO FACTOIDS; SCR-195 in Italy 1943, BC-611 canvas bags? by Hue Miller, and Dennis Starks MEMBERS WRITE; BC-222,-322 With Korean War FAC's? More On The BC-611 Canvas Bag; From John Kid BC-474/SCR-288,GUESTION ANSWERED. **************************** (36 pages) A BASIC COLLECTION OF JAPANESE WW II RADOS; By Bill Howard Part I, The basic radios that can be found Part II, Publications you should have Part III, Where to find them Part IV, "Type" radio station. Part V, The Type 94-6 radio Part VI, The Type 94-5 Wireless Station Part VII, The Type 94-3A Wireless Station Part VIII, Japanese Aircraft Radios Part IX, Other forms of communication Part X, The military technical reports, & who wrote them. **************************** (83 pages) MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS: #1 Me, to get the ball rolling, Kevin Hough, Mark Blair, John Mackesy, Lenox Carruth, Joseph W Pinner, Vlad Dvorkin, Lee Orsborn, Brad Whiting, Brian & the USMC Historical Company, Mike Blom, Nick Broline, Craig Smith, Jim Mahaffey, John Kidd, Bob Nickels, Kevin Hough, Ken Sakamoto, Bill Howard, Pete Adams, Steve Hill, Pete Williams, Randy Zelick, Jeff (AE4ZH), Ralph Hogan, Bob Simpson, Noel Anderson, Dave Davidson, Dave Prince, Mike Cowart, Larry Hill, J. Coote, Tom Norris, Spencer Banner, Jerry Proc, George Rybicki, Bob McCord, Glenn Anderson, Shep Shepard, Hal Blaisdell, Adrian Heinrich, Kim Campbell, Ed Guzick, Ron Hinze, Carmelo Litrico, Dick Dillman, Richard Wurtzinger, Richard Brunner, John Bowers, Ian O'Toole, Doug Greville, Joe Morgan, Ed Kirkley, Chuck Milton, Hank Fackovec, Jim Haynes, Alan Tasker, Buzz KD7BZ, Ray Robinson, Scot Barth, Bob Lindgren, Richard Arland, Scott Johnson, Breck Smith, Traverso Leandro, Wammes Witkop, NADCOMM; Don Robert House, Jack Hart, Ray Fantini, Wesley Davidson, Wes Gladhart, Perry Ballinger, John Pitts, Dave Thomas, Cal Eustaquio, Alan Stanscik, Jeffrey Ciccone, Pete Owen, Steve Waters, Marty Reynolds, Wayne Nowacki, Chuck Gumbert, Jim Laidler, Michael Crestohl, Mike Rioux, John Liner, Alan Fryer, Cliff Wallace, Roy Morgan, Dorian H. Klein, Robin Faulkner, Mike Tyler, Derek Oldenburger, Peter Perg, Mark A. Cobbeldick, Mark Burgess, Conard Murry, Todd 'Boomer' Bigelow, Louis Meulstee, Laz **************************** (24 pages) Desert Storm Trophies,& JCMEC: By Bill Howard,& Dennis Starks Part I, Our Story Begins; Part II, Early History of JCMEC Part III, JCMEC Today; Part IV, Some Specific Examples; From England Part V, Some Specific Examples; More From England Part VI, Some Specific Examples; From Italy & Germany Part VII; From France Part VIII; From Russia & China Part IX; Conclusion On the state of Iraqi/Arabian Comm Gear, Desert Storm/Shield; By Ed Zeranski The above series, can also be seen, complete with pictures at: http://www.armyradio.co.uk/ **************************** (18 pages) IT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME; R-467/ALR by John Mackesy VK3XAO REMOTE CONTROL OF AVIATION ELECTRONICS; AN EXAMPLE, By John Mackesy VK3XAO POWER FOR AIRCRAFT AND MILITARY RADIOS; by John Mackesy VK3XAO RADIO COMPASS AN/ARN-6; By John Mackesy The AT5/AR8; From Australia, By Steve Hill the above may also be seen at Steve Hills web site: http://www.users.bigpond.com/SHILL **************************** (16 pages) MANUALS, FIELD MAINT. DEPO MAINT.?? BOOKS WE ALL NEED; by Dennis Starks WW II TECHNICAL REPORTS ON JAPANESE RADIOS AVALIABLE FROM WILLIAM L. HOWARD New Books; Book Report, German Radio Equipment; Bill H & Lenox C. PLACES TO GET STUFF; Manuals, & Xtals AUSTRALIAN COLLECTORS; Letter from John Mackesy BOOK REPORT; The Plumber Kitchen **************************** (14 pages) SSTR-1; From the Horses Mouth Part I, The account of James F. Ranney, The SST-1 Transmitter Part II, Reflections Concerning The TR-1, By Dean Cortright Part III, Further Reflections Concerning The SSTR-1, By Dean Cortright OLGA; NORWEGIAN RESISTANCE RADIO SET By: LTC William L. Howard **************************** (15 pages) Evolution of Marine Corps Amphibious Doctrine; An Essay, by Brian Scace ARMY VERSUS MARINE CORPS, DOCTRINAL DEBATES; **************************** MYSTERY RADIOS;(21 pages) The PRC-88, by Dennis Starks MEMBER WRITE: Delco/PRC-88? From Jim Karlow A Real PRC-88! From David Davidson More PRC-88 Proof, From Ralph Hogan Experimental PRC-88, -68, PRT-4's, URC-68, & More FS-5000, From Mike Murphy The PRC-28. by Dennis Starks PRC-28, AND 2 CENTS; Lenox Carruth, and Dennis Starks The Navy RBZ, by Dennis Starks The Navy AMA, by Dennis Starks The PRR-15, by Dennis Starks, & Bill Howard The GRR-5 by Dennis Starks MORE ON GRAY SIGNAL CORPS RADIOS; **************************** Backmail #42 (21 pages) GRC-109/RS-1; What, Why, When, Where Part I, An Interveiw With Bob Olsen, by Pete McCollum Part II, Descriptions, & Observations of the RS-1, GRC-109, & GRA-71 By Pete McCollum with Further Comments by Dennis Starks Part's III, History ? by Pete McCollum Dispelling The Myths, Part I, by Dennis Starks Part IV; Dispelling The Myths, Part II, by Dennis Starks Part V; Dispelling The Myths, Part III, by Dennis Starks RS-1/RS-6/GRC-109; Serial Number Info, By Pete McCollum additional data on the all the above & similar topics may be seen on Pete McCullum's we site at: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Node/7408/ **************************** (9 pages) PPS-4??? GRC-164?? SOLID STATE PRC-6's? AND SOLID STATING IN GENERAL; From Hue Miller & Dennis Starks TONKIN HEATHKIT? PRC-33! from Ed Zeranski, & Dennis Starks MORE TONKIN HEATHKIT? from Ed Zeranski VC & Heathkits; from Bill Howard **************************** (20 pages) Poor Boy's Collins, The TCS; by Dennis Starks WW-II Vets In
"Nam"; TCS & others, by Ed Zeranski MORE TCS; by Lenox Carruth New Comers
Questions/Suggestions; Discussion, TCS, PRC-17, PRC-1, BC-222, Jap Stuff,
& More. by Hue Miller, & Dennis Starks The Admiral's TCS; by Ed Zeranski
TCS Antenna Discussion; Army TCS's; Expanded reason; by Brian Scace TCS
TECH TIPS; From Dave Stinson **************************** (27pages) OFF THE SHELF PRICK's; By Dennis Starks PART I, PRC-21>33, PART II, PRC-39>61, PART III, PRC-73>91, PART IV, PRC-94, PART V, PRC-97 & 101, PART VI, PRC-127,& 129, PART VII, Maybe's? PART VIII, Conclusion, **************************** (23 pages) MYSTERY RADIO; BC-745/SCR-511, Part I, by Bill Howard SCR-511 DISCUSSION; by Lenox Carruth, & Dennis Starks Part II, III, IV, & V, by Dennis Starks POGO STICK DEBATE; Bill Howard, & Dennis Starks POGO STICK DISCUSSION; Hue Miller, and Dennis Starks SURVIVING EQUIPMENT, AND INFLUENCES ON IT; by Brian Scase **************************** (36 pages) TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE PACIFIC; BY LTC WILLIAM L. HOWARD **************************** (14 pages) WW-II ISLAND SURVIVORS TELL STORY; I WAS THE RADIO OPERATOR; Part I,& II, By Lt. Robert D. Gibson MORSE TRIVIA, S O S? MORE TRIVIA, "MAYDAY"; Cracking the Japanese Purple Code; by Fred B. Wrixon **************************** (26 pages) US MILITARY PORTABLE RADIOS; PART I, II, III, & IV, By Alan D. Tasker WA1NYR Conclusion By Dennis Starks US MILITARY PORTABLE RADIOS; Discussion US MILITARY PORTABLE RADIOS; More Discussion BURNING QUESTIONS; (Much of the above can be seen at Alans web site at: http://nj7p.org/history/portable.html) **************************** Backmail #51: (25 pages) COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OF THE NORTH VIETNAMESE ARMY, & VIET CONG; Part's I, II, By LTC William L Howard Re: Communications of Viet Nam - North, Hue Miller, MEMBERS WRITE; COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OF THE NORTH VIETNAMESE ARMY, & VIET CONG; Part's III, IV By LTC William L Howard **************************** Backmail #52:(12pages) POSTWAR BRITISH NUMBERING SYSTEM; From Ray Robinson TOTALLY AUSTRALIAN, The A510; Praise From an Outlander, by Dennis Starks MORE ON THE AUSTRALIAN A-510; From Steve Hill, & Dennis Starks CURRENT AUSSIE RADIO EQUIPMENT; Circa 1966, from Dave Prince (all the above may also be seen at Steve Hills web site: http://www.users.bigpond.com/SHILL) **************************** Backmail #53:(15 pages) Chinese Type 139 A Radio Receiver; by Bill Howard TWO VERY RARE JAPANESE RADIO SETS; by Bill Howard The Type 97 Light Wireless, & Mark 66 Wireless Sets, JAPANESE HRO TYPE RADIO RECEIVERS; By: LTC William L. Howard MEMBERS WRITE; More on Axis HRO's. from Hue Miller CHINESE 702 SERIES RADIOS; By: LTC William L. Howard **************************** Backmail #54:(34 pages) RUSSIAN MILITARY RADIOS; Part's I, II, III, IV, V, VI By: LTC William L. Howard & Vlad Dvorkin MEMBERS WRITE; RUSSIAN MILITARY RADIOS? From Tom Bryan Russian R-116 on AM? From Breck Smith AM/HF VERSES FM/VHF, & RUSSIAN RADIOS; By LTC William L. Howard & Dennis Starks MEMBERS WRITE; AM & FM, from Jim Hopper, Sean Kelly, & Dennis Starks R-116, from Tom Bryan **************************** Backmail #55:(13 pages) UNIVERSAL INVERTER POWER SUPPLY; Part I; II, by Dennis Starks UNIVERSAL INVERTER POWER SUPPLY, PART III; Applications (PRC-6 & CPRC-26), by Dennis Starks (the above can also be seen at Ralph Hogan's web sites at:) http://www.qsl.net/wb4tur/images/dcdc.htm WRITEUP http://www.qsl.net/wb4tur/images/g1.gif SCHEMATIC http://www.qsl.net/wb4tur/images/g2.gif BLOCK WIRING DIAGRAM BC-611, AND INVERTER POWER SUPPLY SWITCHING PROBLEMS; From Ed Guzick, and Dennis Starks **************************** Backmail #56: (11 pages) EYES FOR YOUR RECEIVER - THE PANADAPTER PART 1 - Introduction, by John Mackesy MORE AUSSIE QUESTIONS,COAST WATCHERS RADIOS? A DEFFERANT COAST WATCHER RADIO STORY. COASTWATCHERS RADIOS; by David Prince COAST WATCHERS STORY/BOOK; From Steve Hill SCR-522 QUESTIONS FOR HMCS HAIDA;from Jerry Proc **************************** Backmail #57:(16 pages) RADIO MEMORIES; of Ltc. Bob Paterson USMC, USA(ret) (RS-6, GRC-9, PRC-25 & Others) RAYTHEON STORY PART I; RAYTHEON'S NAME ORIGINATES PART II; RAYTHEON COMES OF AGE DURING WW-II WAR EMERGENCY RADIO SERVICE; By Jeffrey Herman NAVAL HISTORY, Old Iron Sides; From Sheldon Wheaton B-17 RADIO OPERATOR; A GLIMPSE OF NAVAL RADIO OPERATIONS IN KOREA; By Jerry Proc VE3FAB **************************** Backmail #58, (15 pages) KOREAN WAR VINTAGE? And Dating Radio Equipment; Part I, (PRC-6 Example)By Dennis Starks DATING EQUIPMENT; Input From Tom Norris, & Pete McCollum. (RS-1, GRC-109 Examples) KOREAN WAR VINTAGE? And Dating Radio Equipment; Part II, (PRC-8, -9, -10 Examples)By Dennis Starks MEMBERS WRITE; GRC-9 IN THE KOREAN WAR; BOOK REPORT; White Tigers, My Secret War in North Korea, (GRC-9 in Partisan Hands) MEMBERS WRITE; GRC-9 in North Vietnam, **************************** Backmail #59:(12 pages) COUNTERMEASURES/SURVEILLANCE RECEIVERS; From Spencer Bahner & Dennis Starks MEMBERS WRITE; More R-1444 TRP-4, MYSTERY JAPANESE GREEN RADIO; From Breck Smith AN/URC-100 SERIES; Part I, by Richard Lacroix PRC-74 SELECTABLE SIDEBAND; Jim Karlows Contribution RBS RUMINATIONS; By Hue Miller NAVY RBM SERIES; **************************** Backmail #60:(11 pages) JAPANESE TUBE INFO; from Ray Robinson CONNECTORS SOURCE; MORE ON PERRY CONNECTORS; MAKING CONNECTIONS; Power Connectors In a Pinch, by Dennis Starks MAKING CONNECTIONS; More Ideas From Lenox, Pete, & The Group MAKING THOSE RUSSIAN BATTERIES WORK; by Mark Gluch DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN A7 RADIOS; by V.Sosunov & Sergey Ansimov **************************** Backmail #61:(9 pages) NVIS, From Ed Zeranski SOME NVIS DISCUSSION; From Sean T. Kelly, and Dennis Starks CIVILIAN NVIS USE; From Jay Coote GPS,& TRIMBLE TRIMPACK; by Sheldon Wheaton MORE ON TRIMBLE GPS; From Steve Haney, & Mark Blair **************************** Backmail #62:(19 pages) MEMBERS WRITE #1; Sell A BC-620? PRC-4 "Mystery Radio", & Camo BC-611's, BC-1000/VRC-3 Mounts ? Para-Military & a Stoner SSB-40MA? My Illegal Desert Storm Trophies: Special Forces Radio in Vietnam, BC-348 Rear Panel Holes? PRC-66? Dayton SSTR-1, APR-4 QUESTIONS, Russian P-105M? MARS HF Rigs? MX-300R/Granada/Special Forces/Rangers, PRC-74 Battery Boxes? M-37/T-245, Again, Confusion. HT-1 ON 6 METERS; HT-1 on 10 or 6 & Xtal Data? Civil Air Patrol Radios, Mass Protest Mailings, BC-728/SCR-593? BB-490 Batteries? Some Real Oddballs? WW-II Forest Service Radios, RBS ??? **************************** Backmail #63:(18 pages) MEMBERS WRITE #2; Russian P-855 Info, BC-928/AN-75D? PRT-4 Tone Squelch Compatibility/Commercial Tone Incoder, PRT-4, PRR-9 Batteries? PRR-9 to LS-549, British CPRC-26? RBA, RBB, G-43? Retrans Without the Proper Cable? BC-611, -1000 Info Needed/Found, 40.5mc Guard Freq? Jacobson, & Special Purpose Generators? GRC-109 Maitenance Kit Box Variations, BC-611 First Collection Radio? BC-611-CB??!! PRC-F1 And AWA, from Ray Robinson Civie TA-312 Use, MX-6707? ISB? **************************** Backmail #64:(11 pages) IN MEMORY SENATOR BERRY GOLDWATER; Not Just a Statesman. E.T. Krenkel; Russian Radio Hero DEATH OF A HERO,MAJOR JOHN HOWARD; To Post Everlasting: Peter C. Hains III, General Obit, Retired Col. Rex Applegate, **************************** Backmail #65:(24 pages) PARA-MILITARY RADIOS; by Dennis Starks Part I, Forward, Is it a military radio? Rapidly Advancing Technology, Possible War in Europe, Enter Private Industry! Part II, Eminent War, The War Is On, Part III, Radios From Hallicrafters, Part IV, Some More Entries From Hallicrafters, Part V, More From Hallicrafters: Part VI, HT-8, HT-11, HT-12(BC-441), HT-14(BC-669) PARA-MILITARY RADIOS; by Dave Stinson Part VII, RCA AVT and AVR Series Light Aircraft Radios. PARA-MILITARY RADIOS; Part VIII by Dennis Starks Tesla PR-35(KGB & Various Communist Block Agencies) WW-II SSR-5 **************************** Backmail #66:(16 pages) THE QRC-222, AND THE GRA-71??; A Letter From John Pitts to Pete McCollum QRC-222 Is An RS-8?; from Peter Mccollum MYSTERY RADIO; The RS-6, Parts I, & II, by Dennis Starks MEMBERS WRITE; RS-6 in Russian Museum, from Keith Melton RUSSIAN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE; History, Tactics, & Equipment. By Ivan Petrov Major General (Ret.) additional data on some of the above & similar topics may be seen on Pete McCullum's we site at: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Node/7408/ **************************** Backmail #67:(13 pages) MEMBERS WRITE #3 GRC-9 Supply and Demand, GRC-9 Tip, Dynamotor Versus Vibrator, BC-1306/GRC-9; R-648/ARR-41? R-648/ARR-41/ART-13,Rebut, ARR-41 & MBF, More ART-13 Receivers, More MBF, ARR-15/ART-13? ARR-11/ART-13 etc, ART-13/ARC-5 Receivers, G-133? RAY'S ART-13 PROJECT; ART-13 Output, **************************** Backmail #68:(16 pages) RADIO ACTIVE RADIOS; By Dave Stinson MORE RADIO ACTIVE RADIOS; From Lenox Carruth MEMBERS WRITE; Radio Active Radios, BIRTH OF THE WWII FM "Walkie-Talkie". SCR-300, BC-1000; By Ed Guzick & Dennis Starks GALVIN/SIGNAL CORPS SCL-514; by Ed Guzick **************************** Backmail #69:(10 pages) MEMBERS WRITE #4 BC-349-O? BC-348-O, & Hallicrafters Versions. AM-26/AIC? AN/URT-24? FT-70G? RDR 1938 to 1965, PRC-66 On 220? Military Radios on 220, PRC-66, -75 ON 220; from Alan Tasker SO NOW I GOT A PRC-66; from Randy Zelick Multi-Meter Quality & RF, PRC-66 Buzz, **************************** Backmail #70:(22 pages) MOTOROLA'S PARA-MILITARY MX PROGRAMMABLES; by Dennis Starks Part I, Forward, MX's In the Beginning, Identification: Part II, Cost Rundown, The Difference Between an 'R' and an 'S', An Example of This Radio's Past Rarity, and Uniqueness, Some Interesting Stories, Our Current Dilemma Part III, Most Desired Features, DES(Digital Encryption System), The PROMM, EPROMM, and Programming, MX-'S' RAMBLINGS; by Ralph Hogan MOTOROLA'S MX PROGRAMMABLES; Part IV, by Jim Hopper All the Really Technical Stuff. **************************** Backmail #71:(6 pages) MEMBER PROFILE #1, The Military Radio Guy A PILGRIMAGE TO VALHALLA, (AKA: CROSS TIMBERS); by Sam Timberlake VISITING THE MILITARY-RADIO-GUY; by Bob Simpson N0NTC **************************** Backmail #72:(20 pages), SAR(Downed Airman Radios) SURVIVAL RADIOS & ARMS; PRC-17 & TWA?? THE AN/PRC-90 LEGACY; By Alan D. Tasker, WA1NYR Becker Radio MR-506? MEMBERS WRITE; New Rescue Radio, Navy PRC-149, MEMBERS WRITE; NEW HIGH TECH DOWNED AIRCREW GADJET; NEW SURVIVAL RADIO PROGRAM; **************************** Backmail #73:(10 pages), TROOP MOVEMENTS ON THE AIR; SHORTWAVE NEWS OF YUGOSLAV ACTION; MILITARY & SHORT WAVE FREQS OF THE BALKANS; SERBS LISTEN IN ON NATO PILOTS; **************************** Backmail #74:(7 pages) Czech Tatra & Unimogs? MEMBERS WRITE; WHAT RADIO TO PUT IN AN M-38? A GRC-9!; IN CHARACTER 2MTR RADIO FOR A SHOW M-151; WWII JEEPS IN COLUMBIA QUAKE ZONE; .c The Associated Press, By JARED KOTLER **************************** Backmail #75:(11 pages) WEB SITES OF INTEREST; Index: SOME INTERNET/MILITARY RADIO SITES; Thanks Sheldon THE WILLIAM L. HOWARD ORDNANCE TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE MUSEUM STEVE HILL: Lotsa Green Stuff to Look At. MARK BLAIR'S; SECOND HAND BOOK SOURCE; KEN CORWIN'S, BC-348 SERIES; BRITISH WW-II RADIO SETS; RALPH HOGAN'S, UNIVERSAL DC-DC POWER SUPPLIES; DAVE PRINCE'S AUSSIE MADE RADIOS; ALAN TASKER'S, Mil Portable Hist., & PRC-90 Legacy, NORTH AMERICAN DATA COMMUNICATIONS MUSEUM; RAY ROBINSON'S; Aicraft Receivers & More, MARK'S GREEN RADIO PAGE; HALLICRAFTERS COLLECTORS ASSO; MILITARY SCHEMATICS WEB PAGE; DUTCH SURPLUS RADIO COLLECTOR CLUB; NEAR-VERTICAL INCIDENCE SKY-WAVE PROPAGATION; **************************** Backmail #76(15 pages) Index: PRC-25, FORGOTTEN LEGEND; Part I, By Dennis Starks Forward, In The Beginning, The PRC-25(Technical Description), PRC-25, FORGOTTEN LEGEND; Part II, The PRC-25 is Born, The PRC-25, "Milestone Radio", PRC-25, FORGOTTEN LEGEND; Part III The Legend Begins(1965-1970), PRC-25, FORGOTTEN LEGEND; Part IV, Forward, PRC-25 Legacy, Birth of The Ultimate PRC-25(PRC-77), PRC-25, FORGOTTEN LEGEND; Part V, The PRC-25 Legacy Continues, The PRC-77, References, MEMBERS WRITE; Misc ramblings on the PRC 25, From Bill Howard, Bob Simpson, & Steve Haney PRC-25 Testimony, From Bob Lindgren EASY FIX FOR PRC-25/A15 or PRC-77/A35 MODULES; by Conard Murray **************************** Backmail #77(10 pages) Index: THE PRC-68 FAMILY; By Alan Tasker THE AN/PRC-68 LEGACY; By Alan D. Tasker, WA1NYR *********************************************** The preceding was a product of the"Military Collector Group Post", an
international email magazine dedicated to the preservation of history
and the equipment that made it. Unlimited circulation of this material
is authorized so long as the proper credits to the original authors, and
publisher or this group are included. For more information concerning
this group or membership contact Dennis Starks at, |