Military Collector Group Post;

            Backmail #38:

(16 pages) Index: MANUALS, FIELD MAINT. DEPO MAINT.?? BOOKS WE ALL NEED; by Dennis Starks WW II TECHNICAL REPORTS ON JAPANESE RADIOS AVALIABLE FROM WILLIAM L. HOWARD New Books; Book Report, German Radio Equipment; Bill H & Lenox C. PLACES TO GET STUFF; Manuals, & Xtals AUSTRALIAN COLLECTORS; Letter from John Mackesy BOOK REPORT; The Plumber Kitchen *************************************************

MANUALS, FIELD MAINT. DEPO MAINT.?? Groupites: Not to gloat, but I just scored a GRC-9 from Mike Lingr in Texas. I'm going on the assumption that it's in horrible shape and it'll take me years to get it to work. My question for you guys is "Can someone tell me the difference between the field maintenance, depot maintenance, and organizational maintenance manuals?" Also this one: "If I get these manuals, in addition to the April issue of ER, is there a chance that I can get the radio going again?" I took electronics in high school and studied it on my own after, and I know how to solder". I figured I'd order the manual from Fair when I order the accesories, and see what they send me. Thanks for your input and expirience. ps: I couldn't go in Ground Radio Repair in the Air Force cause I'm color blind; now I just get my neihbors to tell me the colors. Sean T. Kelly, KK4TS/Portable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sean, The GRC-9 is a very simple, and GOOD radio, sure you can fix it! And you'll be most happy with it once it's operational. In regard your color-blindness, you don't need color perception to work on electronic equipment, thats what they make all that test equipment for. I flunked 32 test for color perception when I entered Naval service. I was most unhappy as were my recruiters, me having already been an electronic technician for four years prior to my enlistment, and had received two years of training in that field. According to Hoyle, being color blind, there was only a couple rates I'd could pursue(none very pleasant). But I fooled them all. I enlisted non-rated. Upon completion of Boot Camp, I received orders to report aboard USS John F. Kennedy no later than 22:00 hours on December 10/1976. That was the extent of these orders, they did not detail what division I was to be assigned. When I confronted the half-asleep Yeoman in Personnel at exactly 22:00, they, not seeing any designated department on my orders, asked me where I was supposed to go. I simply said "where the radios are", "I'm an Electronic Technician". As no billets were open in ER division, they sent me to TTY repair(CR Division). Manned by Radioman, I had to get the hell out of there and away from those Monkey Motion contraptions in short order! I ended up in Facilities Control(still CR Division). A year later someone realized I was color blind, but by then I'd made 3rd Class PO, was now rated as a Radioman, and there was nothing they could do about it. The rest is history. Manuals? In the early, uncomplicated days of military radio, only a single manual, usually published by the original manufacturer of the equipment, was required that would include both operational, and servicing information. This practice continued until the early days of WW-II. As the equipment in question became more complicated/advanced, serviceability in the field became near to, if not impossible. This not only because of the limited technical expertise of the operator, but more so because of the immensely complicated logistics involved with the supply of the higher echelon repair parts in a combat zone(anything other than some tubes). As a result manuals were printed that more directly involved the level of maintenance allowed under normal circumstances at the various echelons. In WW-II these were divided into the SCR, and BC manuals(in our case we'll use SCR-694 and BC-1306 as examples). The SCR-694 manual, intended for use by the operator, would usually contain enough information to operate, maintain and provide simple service to most equipment included in his radio system including tube placement, a schematic, and maybe some simple maintenance checks, along with an inventory and descriptions of all the major, and minor components in a complete radio system. On the other hand, the BC-1306(major component of the SCR-694) manual would contain in depth service information for this receiver-transmitter only. The BC-1306 manual contains no operational information, no accessories descriptions or maintenance info, no system information at all. On the other hand it would contain detailed circuit descriptions, parts placement, symptom diagnoses and troubleshooting info, etc. Early 50's equipment manuals would follow closely the format of those in med-late WW-II, as the technology or complication of systems had changed very little. But the manuals would have different names. There's now a FIELD Maintenance Manual replacing the old BC manual. And OPERATOR's manual replacing the SCR. And far less service is now allowed on the Operator level. Entering the 60's, two things effected major changes in the equipment operations and service system. First was the entrance of solid state technology into the field. This pretty much making impossible any service by the operator in the field. And with this en ability to service a radio in combat, also came the negating of the training associated with it. In this respect, by the close of the Vietnam war, very few radio operators were indeed Radioman at all. The expected increased reliability of solid state designs would mean that the operator would no longer carry even the simplest of replacement parts with him into combat. Instead, if any maintenance other than changing batteries were contemplated, this would take place once the operator returned to his base(Organization), and at this level only the simple replacement of modules might be effected. If the simple replacement of modules would not fix the problem, the item would then be sent in for DEPO Maintenance where troubleshooting down to a circuit level was authorized. All this greatly simplifying the amount of training required by the personnel at a particular level, and the all important logistic support required by any item of combat equipment. Second, and most important when trying to explain the multitude of various manuals currently available for any item of equipment, is the Preventive Maintenance System(PMS). In the sixties the PMS program was initiated for ALL items of military equipment, not just complicated, intricate, radio and electronic apparatus, But EVERYTHING had/has it's PMS schedule. As each item of equipment progresses through it PMS schedule it might be checked for operation or defects, cleaned, lubricated, or repairs minor or major be made. All dependant on the level of PMS being conducted, and the expertise, training, or echelon of the personnel conducting the PMS. Each level of operation and responsibility has it's own PMS that is conducted, be it weekly monthly, quarterly, or yearly. At the Operator level, a radio might be checked for operation, and all it's accessories inspected and inventoried once weekly or monthly(Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manuals). Remember, the operator may or may not be a radioman at all, thus his technical expertise limited, and as such manuals at this level are usually fairly simple and often times only include operational instructions of the radio, and a list of accessories included with a radio set. For current equipment, these Operators manuals have been reduced to only the simplest of operating instructions. At the next levels come FIELD, and in later times, DEPO maintenance manuals. Dependant on the complexity of the particular item, these may be combined in a single manual. Field Maint is usually conducted at a level just above that of an operator, by personnel with the required technical expertise. In the early days Electronic Technicians(ET), and in the latter, Radioman(RM) might be capable of maintenance at this level. In the early days, actual repair of a radio and not just "maintenance" of equipment might take place at this level. But with the increasingly complicated nature of electronic equipment, and with that, the amount of information, and expertise required to repair an item of equipment came the need for manuals divided into a last category. DEPO maintenance/Repair manuals represent the most technical of them all. Like the Field Maint, and BC-(*) manuals of old, they contain no operational or system information. They are strictly limited to the detailed information needed by an ET to effect any conceivable repair on a particular item of equipment. Conducted at a DEPO level far removed from any combat, with the utmost of available logistic support. The above is a ruff outline of the manuals types we might encounter. The different technical periods in our developmental history will overlap each other slightly. But what does all this mean to us the collectors? When you first begin to assemble, or restore a system you need to know three things. How the radio was operated, what accessories items composed an operational system, and how to repair it. For operation and accessories information you must have the SCR manuals of WW-II for the SCR-694, or the Operators, and Organizational manuals for say the latter GRC-87/VRC-34(GRC-9). This need can be further complicated by current trends which include a simple Operator's Instruction Book. These will contain very little in the way of accessories information, so we must step up to the Operator/Organizational Maint Manual to gain any knowledge of these accessories. To effect any needed repairs to your WW-II SCR-694, the SCR-(*) manual will do in many cases. But for anything other than simple repairs, the BC-1306 manual will be needed. In the same light, the GRC-87/VRC-34 manual will contain no schematics, nor repair info, so you need the GRC-9 Field Maint manual. Beginning in the sixties Field Maint manuals would be largely negated by DEPO Maint Manuals, to the point that today if a schematic diagram is needed, the Depo Maint Manual is the only one that will contain it. To close, you did the right thing in ordering both manuals for your GRC-9. And rule of thumb, JUST GET EVERY MANUAL YOU CAN LAY YOUR HANDS ON! Each will contain needed information of either a technical or historic nature not found in the other. Dennis Starks; MILITARY RADIO COLLECTOR/HISTORIAN *************************************************

BOOKS WE ALL NEED; Several times in the past I've listed these books for you. Here they are again with a little info about each. Keep your eye's out for them whether you have copies or not. This because most are out of print, & many members of our group do not have them. For other printed material of interest, refer to my library inventory, & want list. Most these titles can be had at used book stores for very little. If any of you are in need of these, let me know and I'll put you on a list, as copies are found I'll forward on the info. FOR GENERAL MILITARY RADIO DATA; U.S.Army in WW-II,The Signal Corps. A. The Emergency,by Dulany Terrett. B. The Test,by George Raynor Thompson,Dixie R.Harris,Pauline M.Oaks, Dulany Terrett. C. The Outcome,by George Raynor Thompson,Dixie Harris,CMH Pub 10-18. These are a must have set (three volumes) for anyone interested in any facet of WW-II electronic equipment, or even later equipment because they all started here. No material ever printed will provide you with more information. Beginning before WW-II & concludes shortly after. It provides great detail of the development, & use of radar, radio, & just about every other electronic gadget of the war. How communications & radar were utilized in virtually every theater of the war. Until recently these were still in print, but no longer. Several of us are looking for them so keep your eyes out. This was an official Government series, I cannot over emphasize it's importance! Evolution of Naval Radio-Electronics, and Contributions of the Naval Research Laboratory, by Louis A. Gerhard. I'am very anxious to get a copy of the above, many questions may be answered by it. It comes very highly recommended by an early radar enthusiast. It was also referred to as NRL Report 8300, Library of Congress 70-6000083, GPO stock No. 008-050-00189-5. Though it is said to be available from the Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, my attempt to search their web sight yesterday didn't turn up anything, but I'm not very good at that stuff. Military Communications: A Test For Technology, The U.S Army in Vietnam, by John D. Bergen, CMH Pub 91-12 This is the most informative resource book EVER printed for time period it covers. Detailing communications equipment, systems, development, problems, uses, and history. It too is an absolute must have book! It may still be available from the government printing office, or their outlet stores. Jane's Military Communications These began with their first issue, a double one 1979/80, progressing with additional issues each year until present. They will supply you with some great detail of current to semi-current equipment along with many good pictures of communications equipment from all over the world. Don't pay the horrible crazy price they ask for their current issue(about $175.00 now), after they've become a couple years old, the prices drop to about $20.00. They can be found in such places as "Shotgun News" , surplus, and used book stores etc. I have the 79/80, 81, & 88 issues, and need the rest. ECOM 4451,History of the Squad Radio. by Marvin W. Curtis This book was originally printed by the Electronics Command at Ft. Monmouth in 1976, & Until I found a copy a couple years ago, they were thought to be extinct, the Museum was astatic to learn one still existed, so I loaned them mine, it took nearly a year to get it back. It provides great detail in to the development of the Squad Radio beginning with the BC-611 continuing up to the PRT-4/PRR-9 with many pictures of experimentals, prototypes, and some foreign models considered for adoption. Also mentioning several other items of equipment familiar to us today. It will give you a great insight into the problems encountered when trying to develop an item of equipment, & the government bull shit that doesn't help. I greatly wish they had produced other works similar to this one with other topics, if anybody knows if such volumes exist, please let me know. (87 pages) Reproductions are available from W7FG Vintage manuals at email; , visit his Web sight, or call 1-800-807-6146. Military Radio Data, Vol. I, PRC Designated Radio Equipment, by Dennis Starks This book provides detailed descriptions, and touches on the history of PRC designated radio equipment dating from 1942 to present. Starting with PRC-1 & continuing to over PRC-5000, both foreign & domestic types. It was compiled over a 15 year period of time, from dozens of references, all of which are listed to enable your further research. All updated material for this book is provided to this group when available. (around 65 pages of text)It is available from me for $15, plus $3.00 first class postage. I still have a few of the first run copies that have a line partially cut off on the bottom of a couple pages, these are $10.00 & postage. Maybe someday when I'm rich & famous, I'll get me one of those digital cameras & include pictures in this book, until then you'll just half ta be content with those offered in the references. TM11-227 series; This series of manuals was originally printed in 1944. Three variants are known to exist, & copies can be had from various sources. TME 11-227 provides detailed descriptions, a pictures of captured German radio equipment. TME 11-227A is the same for Japanese equipment. These two manuals are the core for most the info we have on this equipment today. Bill Howard is in the process of publishing his series on Japanese equipment as it was presented here, along with a bunch of pictures, I don't know how large the book would be once the pictures are added, but the text alone is 36 pages. Maybe he should title it, TME11-227B, or TME11-227A-1? If your interested in a copy you can contact him at TM11-227, 1944, Signal Communications Equipment Directory, Radio Communications Equipment, is probably the best referance for pre, & early WW-II equipment there is. There were earliar productions of this manual, including one printed in 1943, but I have never seen any of them. It is not known if any versions were ever printed after 1944. If anybody knows where an original of these, the 487 series, Ships 275,or similar publications can be found, we can have them reproduced for the group. TM11-487 series; Electrical Communications Systems Equipment. Also begining in 1944, this series of manuals is similar to that of the TM11-227 however has a slightly different format. Both the 227 & 487 contain information not included in the other, so you want both. The next known issue if the 487 was in 1950. TM11-487A,1950, Directory of Signal Corps Equipments Radio Communications Equipment. It should be noted that the 487 series was busted up into various categories, including radio, radar, aircraft, test equipment, generators, radio direction finding, photographic equipment etc. All are highly sought after, and only the common ground radio variants can generaly be found. None of the aircraft versions prior to 1950 are known to exist, so if you find one, let us know! Copies of the 1950 version TM11-487A are available from Fair Radio Sales. Reproductions of this and some other variants may also be available from Robert Downs. TM11-487A, Military Handbook, Electronic Communication Equipment, 1958. By this time the manual had grown to 2300 pages, & do to it's size is loose leaf bound. It is the most desirable of all the 487 series in that it includes WW-II, Navy, Signal Corps, aircraft, AN types, TTY, wire line, contract numbers/prices/companies, & even commercial equipment that had been adopted for use. It was alternately known as MIL-HDBK-161, NAVEXOS P-2058, & TO 31-3-73. Many of the items this volume describes do not appear anywhere else in print. A last possible variant of this manual was the JANAP 161, printed around 1952. I only have a couple pages of this document but from what can be seen, it may have been even more detailed than the 487/1958. In 1964, TM11-487A-1,2,3, Military Standardization Handbook, Electronic Communication Equipment, was produced as a supplement to the 1958 version. Released in three volumes. It was the last to be known as TM11-487, or HDBK-161. Then began the FM24 series. SIG 3,Oct 1953,List of Current Issue Items. Not at all like the 487 series, though it is very descriptive of dozens of types of communications & test equipment, even some tools used. It superseded Sig.3, of September 1945. That version however, I have never seen so I can't vouch for it's value to us. Reproductions of this book (296 pages) can also be had from W7FG Vintage manuals. SHIPS 275,1 Aug 1944,Catalogue of Naval Radio Equipment. Very similar to the TM11-487 series, this is the only known officially published book with detailed discriptions of WW-II Navy radio equipment. And as such, is another must have book. Detailed descriptions of Naval ground & shipboard equipment are included, as well as Signal Corps types in use by them at the time, Harbor detection equipment, radio direction finding, etc. It notes on the inside cover that this volume replaces ENG 175, & SHIPS 207, these last two variants have appearantly not survived as none have been reported. 228 pages, reproductions are reported to be available from some company back east. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CLANDESTINE RADIO REQUIPMENT; Clandestine Operations, The Arms and Techniques of the Resistance 1941-1944, by Pierre Lorain. MacMillan Publishing Company, New York. This is the book by which all other such types are compared! It gives great detail into the operations, & the equipment used by the resistance, even including the aircraft that delivered these materials. Development of the radios, communications procedures, encryption methods/evolution, weapons, the enemy direction finding techniques & efficiency that forced re-writing of there procedures, etc. I most highly recommend it, so keep your eye's out at the used book stores. OSS Special Weapons & Equipment, by H. Keith Melton. Clandestine Warfare, by H. Kieth Melton CIA Special Weapons & Equipment, by H. Keith Melton. The Ultimate Spy Book, by Kieth Melton All the above books are nice for their pictures, all but the last is out of print. I still don't have copies myself of the first two. Dennis Starks; MILITARY RADIO COLLECTOR/HISTORIAN ******************************************************** WW II TECHNICAL REPORTS ON JAPANESE RADIOS AVALIABLE FROM WILLIAM L. HOWARD Captured Enemy Equipment Report No. 27 Japanese Signal Light prepared by Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency, Bradley Beach, N.J. black pages with white print-Readable copy 9 pages.............................$5.00* ** Captured Enemy Equipment Report No. 31 Japanese Radio Set Type 94-6 prepared by Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency, Bradley Beach, N.J. white pages with black print-Excellent copy 37 pages...........................$ 8.00* Captured Enemy Equipment Report No 43 Enemy Dry Batteries prepared by Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency, Bradley Beach, N.J. White pages with black print-Excelent copy Has a sample of the type reports prepared by the 5250th Technical Intelligence Co. Equipment Report No 55. 72 pages...........................$12.00* Japanese Transmitters Type 55 (1939) & (1942) prepared by Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency, Bradley Beach, N.J. white pages with black print- Excellent copy 19 pages............................$10.00* Captured Enemy Equipment Report No. 60 Japanese Radio Set Model 97 prepared by Signal Corps Ground Signal Agency, Bradley Beach, N.J. white pages with black print- Excellent copy Compares the Type 97 to the Type 94-6 39 pages.set......................$10.00* Captured Enemy Equipment Report Japanese Receiver 1568 prepared by Holabird Signal Depot White pages with black print- Cover very dark but Readable copy 12 pages............$5.00* ** WAR DEPARTMENT TBĖS TB SIG E -15 Description and Use, Captured Enemy Field Wire German and Japanese Black pages, white print, readable 9 pages........................................$5.00* ** TB SIG E 17 JAPANESE RADIO SET Model 94 Mark 6 Wireless Set Model 23 Type H Transmitter 10 DECEMBER 1944 Dropped in hopper copy........$20.00 Reformatted, two sided copy with Green Cardstock cover, like original................................$30.00 TB Sig E 18 Jap Type 97 Light wireless Set White pages, black Print, excellent copy 42 Pages.................$20.00* TB SIG E 19 JAPANESE RADIO SET Model 94 Mark 5 Wireless Set Model 32 Type Transmitter Mark 32 Type Receiver 6 DECEMBER 1944 Dropped in hopper copy.............$20.00 Reformatted .two sided copy with Green Cardstock Cover . like original.....................................$30.00 TB SIG E 21 Japanese Radio Mobile Wireless Set C Mk 1 Mk 305 Type Tx Black pages, white print, technical information readable photographs are OK but not good. You can recognize an item. 49 Pages...........$10.00* TB Sig E 22 Japanese Model 94 Mark 5 S.W. Transmitter Black pages, white print, technical information readable, excellent line drawings, photographs are OK but not good. You can recognize an item. 57 Pages...........$10.00* TB Sig E 23 Japanese Model 94- Mark 2B Wireless Set Black pages, white print, technical information readable, excellent line drawings photographs are OK but not good. You can recognize an item. 70 Pages..........$20.00* TB SIG E 26 Japanese Radio Set Model 94 Ground to Air Radio Set Black pages, white print, tehnical information readable, excellent line drawings photographs are OK but not good. You can recognize an item. 85 Pages..........$30.00* * Package Deal All documents marked by an asterik * done all at once $45.00 These are the documents that have never been in circulation before. Just obtained from the Library of Congress ** Any two items marked by a double asterik ** for $ 5.00 Price include packaging and postage. Available from: LTC William L. Howard 219 Harborview Lane Largo, Florida 33770 THE WILLIAM L. HOWARD ORDNANCE TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE MUSEUM e-mail Telephone AC 813 585-7756 ****************************************************

New Books; There are two new books available that might appeal to those collectors interested in all types of military communications equipment. Saddly though, both are only available at this time in Europe. It has been proposed that should there be sufficiant interest, that several of use could go in together to emport a small quantity, thus reducing cost. If your interested, you can contact Bill Howard at Dennis Starks; MILITARY RADIO COLLECTOR/HISTORIAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The first is titled "Wireless For The Warrior",Vol.1, by Louis Meulstee. Detailing British sets No.1-88(1933-1946), some being of Australian,& U.S. origin. It is a highly detailed work which includes many quality pictures, history on development & use, schematics, parts list, explanations on British numbering systems & deployment, etc. Vol.2 is suspected also to be in print & details the WW-II contributions of the more common radios, in greater detail. Vol.3 is either now, or will shortly be in print, & continues on with postwar sets No.89 & up. I have Vol.1 & highly recommend it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The second book is of German origin & is still only in print in that language. It still should provide a wealth of information to the researcher even if he can't read the language. Below is a description of the book by it's author, Arthur Bauer. Now the description of my new book. It contains 323 pages with 49 drawings and 30 pictures most of full size. It explains about wireless propagation, Enigma and its communication; the Uboat wireless organisation. The most important chapter is handling HuFF-Duff (HF/DF) and how it technically worked. The antenna, which was the backbone, is extensively explained. I also have integrated eye witness reports of three British Huff-Duff operators, which they have forwarded to me in 1995. (in to German translated) The explanation of the sort of Enigma messages for different purposes, as these were decoded in (by) Bletchely Park, based on original Public Record Office (PRO London) documents. In the appendix is a copy of the entire Enigma (general) manual M. Dv. Nr. 32/1, as well as several copies of other original coding material. Metox history with never published details; Kurier the top secret super fast Uboat's transmission system. This enabled messages to be transmitted within 454 msec!!!! If have used a picture of the inside of this apparatus, which I suppose never had been printed before (in not classified papers). This article was originally written by a British colleague and I have extended the technology chapter. Inclusive a British film strip recording made during their trails in 1945/46. You really will find all important technical principles described. And last but not least a contribution from a third (German) co-author concerning the technical description of the giant Goliath Sender which was wold's most powerful tube VLF transmitter (up to 1000 kW output). Which could send messages to the Uboats while these were submerged, even in the Indian Ocean! ************************************************************

Book Report, German Radio Equipment; Bill H & Lenox C. Dennis, Lennox C asked my opinion n two books on WW II German radios. Here is my opinion. Use it as you see fit. I also include Lennox's message for additional facts. Bill Howard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bill, I got a reply from Paladin Press about the two books that you suggested: Communication Equipment of the German Army $40.00 Radio Equipment of the 3rd Reich $25.00 Do you recommend both of them? Do they have schematics? After getting over the "sticker shock" I thought I would ask before ordering both of them! I am old enough to remember when books were a whole lot less expensive! ;>} Lenox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lenox. I recommend both books only if you are a dedicated collector of German equipment. Neither have schematics of the sets. Both have excellent photographs. Communication Equipment of the German Army is a must have as it shows all the accessories, headsets, keys, etc. The other commo of the Third Reich has a lot on the Enigma machine but it does show a lot of sets that you might encounter. Printing costs have gone up steadily over the years. These have excellent quality paper and pictures. When in the College of Engineering at USF from 1976 to 1979, I also suffered from sticker shock. Now I am immune to it! Bill Howard THE WILLIAM L. HOWARD ORDNANCE TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE MUSEUM e-mail Telephone AC 813 585-7756 *****************************************************

PLACES TO GET STUFF; Manuals, & Xtals MANUALS, W7FG Vintage Manuals, for repo's of Military & Commercial, old andresent. Write, W7FG Vintage Manuals, 3300 Wayside Dr.Bartlesville OK. 74006.Call (inquiries) 1-918-333-3754, (orders) 1-800-807-6146. Internet Home Page;http:/// Email; Lee Frank, P.O.Box 60011 Harrisburg PA.17106-0011, For original Militarymanuals. WW-II to late 70's, both radios and other equipment. Very good prices. Robert Downs,2027 Mapleton Dr.Houston TX.77043. For originals & the highest quality repo military manuals of all types(they look like the real thing).Give him a lot of time,this is not his primary business,and he may forget.He also collects all types of military manuals. Bob is also the foremost authority on military connectors & what will fit what. Theres a chance he might havewhat you need, but be prepared to pay for it! He has E-mail but I don't know hisaddress. Ardco Electronics,P.O.Box 95,Berwyn Ill.60402. For high quality repo's of Hallicrafters built Military & Commercial equipment (including OPS series). Rainy Day Books, P.O.Box 775, Fitzwilliam NH. 03447-0775. PH.603-585-3448. FAX 585-9108. For original manuals, sometimes a bit pricey. Dean Soderling,6725 Portland Ave.Richfield MN.55423.Collects electronics oriented military manuals of all kinds.He has an extensive library & is willing to make copies for those in need at minimal cost. A list of manuals he is presently looking for is avail. Mil-Comm Exchange,P.O.Box 982,Orange Park,FL.32067-0982.For original & reproduction manuals of military & commercial Radio & Test equipment.Good luck getting Kevin to respond! Surplas Sales of Nebraska,1315 Jones ST.Omaha Nebraska,68102. Check with your banks loan manager prior to makeing a purchace! Fair Radio Sales has a very large selection of manuals that are notcatalogued, & they make copies on a regular bases of those they dont have sufficientquantities of to sell the originals. Inquiries for these and all other non-catalogueitems must be made in writing via fax or mail. Email; I also have several thousand manuals left to despose of, a list can be emailed to you. If you know of any other reputable places,let me know.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PLACES TO GET XTALS; Peterson Radio Company, Inc. 2735 Avenue "A", Council Bluffs, Iowa, 51501 ph. 712-323-7539. Reasonable prices & still makes the old stuff. CW XTAL, am very sorry to report that after more than 50 years, CW xtal is no more. It seems that Mrs CW has died, and had been the backbone of the business for many years. This company, as well as the old American Xtal of Kansas City, have been bought out by Phoenix Xtal, & continues to use the CW name, but don't hold your breath. The new owner is John , N0ACS, 1714 N. Ash, Nevada Mo. or Email; (be careful) Don't waist your time or money with either Jan or Crystek.Their xtals are total junk & no longer cheep. If you are lucky enough that they work when you getthem, you can bet that they won't within a year! They like to mention their OFF SHORE FASCILITY! What does that mean to you? I know what it does to me!(JUNK) International is still around,& putting out a high quality product,but beprepared pay for it. Boman is an excellent source, but they only make xtals for land mobileequipment. This the result of No Code Techs ordering xtals & not knowing what to dowith them when received, thus driving up Bomans cost, as they guarantee their xtals for life, $11.00ea. Ph. 1-800-526-3935, fax 1-800-700-2197. If you want to put an old brick, PRC-91, 97 etc on the air, this is where you want to get your xtals. If you know of any other reputable suppliers,with reasonable cost,let me know. Dennis Starks; MILITARY RADIO COLLECTOR/HISTORIAN ********************************************

AUSTRALIAN COLLECTOR; Letter from John Mackesy You wrote: I understand that there is a rather extensive collector network in Australia. Also, possibly told me by you, that .... Re: Australian collector network. Dennis, As of right now I wouldn't call the Aust collector network extensive - I'd call it "fragmented". Australia is about the same size as the USA, but the bulk of the population live in coastal areas. Having said that, about 70% of the pop. live in a relatively few major urban centres. Getting back to the population, there are only about 16 million Australian. Australia doesn't have a major defense electronics industry, doesn't have large military forces - nor does it often engage in large-scale military adventures. All this means we haven't the vast pool of goodies you folks enjoy. Bummer! I'm painfully aware of the need for some kind newsgroup to bind all the military collectors together. There is an organization (the Historical Radio Society of Australia - I used to be a member) which has a small core of mil collectors, but they're mostly old farts interested only in talking furniture and plastic consumer trash. It's my intention to start a newsletter to draw the mil collectors of Aust together for their/our mutual benefit, much as you've done with this group (you have my sincerest admiration for doing it). I also have a vision of a newsgroup like this. Why a newsletter? Simply this - everybody can read, a few can write, but computer skills are not universal. I'd suggest a major proportion of our fellow collectors are over 45; this is a bracket where computer literacy is not widespread, nor is there any significant effort to acquire those skills. Despite Australia having the 2nd highest per capita computer ownership in the world, most (older) people need a "killer application" to get involved with computing - I don't think the cost of hardware is a disincentive, the perceived need just isn't there. About the telephone thing - we have a very good and inexpensive long distance phone service in Australia, but I quite agree, email is the way to go. For myself, I'd much rather write than talk, but then again, written expression is by no means a universal skill. Getting back to the equipment, this machine is something I built myself a few years ago. It's a 486DX2-66, optimized for low RF radiation, this being an RF-sensitive environment. I started out with a 1987 IBM PS/2 tower case (micro channel architecture), extensively rebuilt it - stainless steel shielding, power supply mods and other intensive handiwork stuff. Incidentally, the old PS/2 case is made of some magic RF shielding plastic called Enshield - it really works! It's getting sort of obsolete now, and will be upgraded as soon as I find some spare bucks. I spoke to Steve about getting computerised - he was initially unenthusiastic about the idea (cost), until I suggested that he should be able to get his airline to pay for it. Think of the benefits of being plugged into Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, BAe, Collins, et al! To summarise: you're dead right, we need an email list like yours, we also need a newsletter, it will happen in time, with any kind of luck the collector network will gather strength. Regards, John VK3XAO "A march of a thousand miles starts with the first step" - Mao Zedong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

John, I'd be most happy to include any Aussies with this group that are interested. I realize that the distance between us would make material exchanges difficult, but the transfer of historical information would be of the utmost benefit, & our major goal. For instance, Myself & another member of this group are desperately trying to gather information on small scale actions taken during WW-II involving the US Marines & including "Para-Marines" in token participation with Australian forces. Official documentation of these activities in the US are almost non-existent. We believe that in learning more about these campaigns, that a better understand of how some radio equipment surviving today may have been used, such as the MAB & DAV among others. Very sadly however, our written history of combat in this theater seems to concentrate on the intranse of the US Army & the island hopping campaigns, or various Naval battles. believe me, having been in Naval service myself, I am no Marine Corps proponent, but I'm appalled when any human sacrifice takes place without due public recognition, & historical documentation. Perhaps we can in future combine all our talents & knowledge to correct this & other matters. Please continue your work in consolidating all the Australian collectors, & let me know of your progress. Thanks, & Good luck Dennis *********************************************** BOOK REPORT; The Plumber Kitchen The Plumber Kitchen? Hi Guys, My friend Lloyd the other day gave me an original 1975 copy of "The Plumber's Kitchen". It's similar to Keith Melton's "OSS Special Weapons & Equipment", but has a lot of historical details - names, dates, etc. There are a couple of chapters dealing with radio-related projects; notably radio-operated remote triggers for explosives and such. The remote-triggers chapter is long and interesting, but the author sort of makes a mess of it - he is discussing 3 or more separate projects at the same time, and he keeps jumping around haphazardly. I think I figured out the "high points", and have added a couple of paragraphs to my paper, under the OSS chapter. The author doesn't know radio stuff real well - he shows a picture of an SSP-1 and SST-1 (2/3 of an SSTR-1), and calls it an "SSP-1 transceiver". Do you guys have an opinion as to the accuracy/reliability of the information in this book? It would "appear" to be legit, since the author gives long lists of the contractor's reports back to Division 19, etc. Plus, he's very specific about many names and dates. BTW, Lt. Col. Henry Shore is mentioned several times - he seems to have been a key person in the OSS when it comes to commo and electronics projects, not just the SSTR-x series. Pete ed) All such books, including those of Melton, suffer from various inaccuracies where they deal in areas of a technical nature. Keith himself will admit that he knows nothing about radios or radio theory & operation and this lacking has been apparent in nearly all of his projects. In this light, we can only use such documents to collaborate data that might be found elsewhere. Seldom do such books list the references by which they have based the information they depict as fact(which often pisses me off). I've not seen the particular book you mention, but I have heard some derogatory comments(and seen them in writing) about it and it's dealing with such as electronic surveillance devices, but the same is true of all of Melton's books. Some of the worst books in this category are those put out by Paladin Press(specifically those which are not reproductions of official manuals). For information on Lt. Col. Henry Shore see MCGP Backmail #39, The SSTR-1 series where his name is repeated many times.. ***********************************************

(The preceding was a product of the"Military Collector Group Post", an international email magazine dedicated to the preservation of history and the equipment that made it. Unlimited circulation of this material is authorized so long as the proper credits to the original authors, and publisher or this group are included. For more information conserning this group contact Dennis Starks at,

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