These pages contain information on: (click for navigation) a.
Alignment tool fabrication.
Alignment Tool Fabrication | |
![]() A simple tool can be fabricated for the large powered iron slugs used in the inductor coils in the AFC and Mixer modules. The improvised tools end blades shown above were fabricated from a small plastic strip cut from a pill bottle and a pieces of scrap aluminum. The plastic blade was my favorite as it causes less damage to the slug. The plastic was measured at .045 inch thick and inserted into the end of a wooden dowel. Be careful when tuning - the slugs are fragile. The AFC tuning is critical and directly effects transmit frequency and will be discussed in more detail below in the alignment Tips section. |
![]() The inductors in the other modules with the small adjustment shafts require a simple tool fabricated from .125 outer diameter brass tubing. Just crimp the end. An older ball point pin contains this tubing or visit your local hobby or crafts shop. "Improvise-Adapt-Overcome" |
The trimmer capacitor adjustments for the modules are recessed and are not easily adjustable. A lot of Hams have tried to turn the square threaded shaft - which doesn't work and can damage the piston capacitor. A special tool is needed for adjustment of these recessed caps and is discussed below. |
![]() The trimmer capacities have a threaded shaft and unfortunately these caps require a special tool in order to make adjustments. Most piston type capacities in modern equipment have a screw driver adjustment (shown on the right) but in the case of most of the modules in the PRC-10 the special tool is required to turn the adjustment on top of the capacitor housing which then moves the threaded shaft up and down. Details of a fabricated tool will be shown below. |
A alignment tool for the piston trimmers can be fabricated from 3/16 OD brass tubing. The type that I used had a .014 wall thickness. Go to a hobby store. The brass tubing is going to be crimped in order to fit over the "flat" portion of the tuning shaft of the capacitor. But first strengthen the brass tubing wall by wrapping some wire around the tube. |
A standard tubing cutter works fine on the smaller brass tubing. Other wise score it with a sharp knife and snap apart. |
![]() Trimmer capacitor at maximum TIP: The trimmers have a 28 to 30 turn adjustment. Put a flag on your tool and keep track of the turns - - don't just ham it and turn to see what happens, keep track of the turns in case you have to return to the original setting. Red tape works good but yellow or blue will suffice.
Finished and ready for the alignment procedures. |
Radio Receiver-Trasmitter Case Rewire | |
Remove the connector cover and inspect wiring. Rewire if necessary. This will prevent melt down of your battery pack or inverter power supply. |
The wring harness is longer than original for ease in plugging in power supplies and for bench adjustment. |
![]() During rewire of the receiver transmitter enlosure it is easier to completely remove the connector. Clean the contacts and then rewire. After wiring fish the wires through the bottom of the RT box and then wire the male connector. |
![]() RT connector. |
![]() When wiring the male connector don't forget to feed the wire through the clamp and outer shell. |
The connector chart comes in handy during rewire and trouble shooting. Note the clear lexan cover on the connector which was fabricated as the original cover was missing on my $5 hamfest purchase. The new wiring is enclosed in a section of heat shrink tubing. |
to enlarge for full size for printing. Note that the voltages are printed
for each connection to aid in trouble shooting. |
PRC-10 Antenna Circuits | |
Most of the PRC-10s that have purchased at ham fests have been "ham hacked" and in the process the front control panel was removed and then replaced. During this ham hack process wiring errors are usually made on the antenna loading coils during the reassembly. This is usually the result of not disconnecting the wiring of Long Antenna loading oil L6 prior to removing the front control panel. If in doubt RTFM. L6 is mounted on the main chassis- - more info below. |
![]() Unsolder wiring from the top and bottom of the long antenna loading coil L6 prior to removing the front control panel. The large object to the left is the main RT relay K1. L9 and adjustable coil is the final XMTR OSC plate coil and has terminals at the top right for the center tap and a wire runs between this top connection and the bottom of L6. This connection is often wired wrong. Don't screw this connection up. |
![]() L6 Loading coil. PLEASE NOTE: L6 has several soldering terminals- Be sure and solder to a active terminal that is connected to the winding of the coil. The bottom of L6 is connected to the top of L9 which feeds a center tap. |
![]() CLICK to enlarge L9 is the final tank coil for the transmitter. During transmitter alignment L9 is adjusted for maximum power into a 50 ohm load. The L9 center tap circuit feeds the loading coils for the Short and Long antennas. On most of the ham hacked PRC-10s you will find that L9 tuning screw has been tuned to near destruction. |
![]() When wiring or disconnecting L6 its easier to just remove the mounting nut and free the coil from the chassis. |
![]() CLICK to enlarge The PRC-10 antenna system is unique and is designed for multiple antennas. Note that the Short Antenna loading coil L7 inductance varies with the tuning (dashed line) using a ferrite slug. When the set is tuned to a lower frequency the inductance increases as the slug enters the coil and at a higher frequency the inductance decreases as the slug is retracted from the coil. L7 is only used with the Short Ant. A Variable Capacitor C12 for the Long Antenna loading also varies with tuning (dashed line) and will adjust to full capacitance at the lower frequency and minimum capacitance at the higher frequency. C12 is only used for the Long Antenna. L9 is adjusted for maximum output during alignment and provides approximately a 50 ohm output and feeds the loading coils L6 and L7. |
NOTE: A lot of useful information is available in the manuals for the PRC-10A- If your set is a PRC-10 then take time to go through the 10A manual.
![]() L7 the Short Ant loading coil and C12 the Long Antenna loading capacitor are both tuned via a complex series of gears. The variable capacitor C12 is only used on the Long Antenna. L7 is only used on the short Tape antenna. |
Two separate threaded antenna mounts are mounted on a insulated base. A separate BNC connector is also available for 50 ohm output. |
![]() PRC-10 front control antenna connector wiring. C12 has been moved out of the way for illustration. C12 is always connected to the outer threaded section of the Long Ant J1. There are no switches that are activated when the Long Ant is inserted as C12 is always connected. The T.O is a little shy on "practical wiring" diagrams so use the above chart. |
![]() On this ham fest set the short antenna loading coil L7 is missing. Note the broken L6 coil (bottom) that is not attached to the chassis and was left dangling on its own during a ham hack process. If all else fails RTFM. |
TIP: The 3 section gang capacitor gear is split and spring loaded. During reassembly of the front control panel you have to split the sections in order to provide a load on the tuning shaft. A surgical clamp comes in handy to hold the split gears during reassembly or you can fabricate the "spring clip" as described in the manual. |
Insulator Information Everything you wanted to know or didn't want to know about the PRC-10 antenna mount. |
![]() LONG ANT J1 threaded mount fixture and center contact pin. No Switches. Long antenna spring loaded center contact shown above. When the antenna is inserted into the mount the it makes contact with the center spring loaded tab and compresses for positive contact. The antenna base musts be firmly screwed in so as to fully depress the spring loaded contact otherwise intermittent operation will result. The center contact at the bottom is connected to the L6 loading coil. The outer metal shell that holds the threaded base of the antenna is always connected to variable capacitor C12. No switches to activate. |
![]() C12 is always connected to the insulated outer metal base section that is the threaded portion of the mount. J1 is the center spring loaded contact and is always connected to the loading coil L6. No switches. When the base of the Fish Pole antenna is inserted into J1 it makes contact with L6 and C12. |
![]() As the threaded section of the "adapter bushing" of the Fish Pole antenna is screwed into the mount it makes contact with the center spring loaded contact and at the same time the threads of the antenna adapter bushing make contact with C12. No switches involved. A simple elegant design. The only flaw is that if the variable capacitor C12 becomes corroded or shorted then RF is shunted to ground ![]() Check C12 for corrosion or shorted plates. |
![]() Long Ant Short Ant Side view of the antenna base. Everything is insulated from the radio chassis. The center pin inside the Long Antenna section is insulated. The Short Antenna center pin is not insulated from the metal threaded portion- it is all one piece. |
The center pin connection of the Long Antenna is insulated from the metal threaded portion of the mount. The Short Antenna mount is all one piece and the center is not insulated from the threaded portion. The PRC-10 mount is sealed and can not be taken apart. There are no switches. ![]() The Short Antenna mount is all one piece and the center is not insulated. Insulated washers are used when mounting to the chassis. |
![]() Drain holes for moisture. There were no antenna mount covers or protectors. Later the PRC-10A had a mount insert cover for the Long Antenna. |
Ans. In the event water or moisture entered the long antenna mount it could possible connect C12 to the center pin and upset tuning of all of the antenna ports. Water entering the short antenna mount does not hurt anything. Confused yet? |
CW-216/PR bag contains most of the antennas for the PRC-10 as well as
a H-33 handset. Note: The early H-33 used with the PRC-10 has a "straight"
cord. The tape antenna and "gooseneck base" comprise the AT-272/PRC.
![]() Click to enlarge The PRC-10 utilized the H-33B handset with the straight cord. |
The gooseneck base and tape antenna allows mounting the radio at any angle positioning the antenna for best reception. |
![]() The 29 inch Tape antenna is tuned by L7 a variable inductor that varies with the main tuning knob. No value was published for L7 on early schematics but later the PRC-10A schematics listed L7 as .4 uH. |
![]() The PRC-10 tape antenna AT-272 is comprised of the tape and "gooseneck" base. The tape antenna threads of 5/16-18 are slightly different than later model equipment tape antennas such as the AT-892 (PRC-25, PRC-77) which utilize a 5/16 -24 thread. |
Improvise-Adapt-Overcome |
Use a vice to hold the AT-892 and change the threads. Simple project. |
The shorter AT-272 gooseneck as compared to the PRC-25 AT-892 gooseneck. Unfortunately the PRC-25 gooseneck has different threads and will not work on the PRC-10. so-sorrie G.I. No workee |
TIP: Use rubber bands cut from a section of a bicycle inner tube to hold the Fish Pole antenna sections together during storage. |
Ans: "That's a good question. I had thought for many years that it was an adapter to adapt the AN-131 and AN-131-A to the BC-1000. But years of digging up miscellaneous information (i.e., my database) has finally convinced me that there is no earlier set that used the AN-131. Studying TM 11-242 and the parts list therein doesn't actually spell it out, but I have come to the conclusion that the only thing that the 5/8"-18 thread on the bottom of the bottom section of AN-131-A fits is the adapter bushing. Which finally leads to the obvious (at least in hindsight) conclusion that it is an assembly part - removed only for maintenance (to replace either the spring and cable assembly or one of the antenna sections." "So the short answer is that it's removable so that you can repair the antenna with (assuming that you have access to the Army supply system for repair parts)." Robert Downs - Houston WA5CAB dot com (Web Store) MVPA 9480 |
![]() The Fish Pole AT-271 antenna tip can be removed for knot access. Take the knot loose and you will have several small fishing poles. |
![]() The Long Ant is tuned by C12 which varies as the main tuning is varied. At 51.0 the variable capacitor is at minimum and as you tune lower in frequency the capacitance increases. The good news is that at 51.0 if the plates are corroded they may not short out as the plates or at minimum. Possible Modification? Change L6 to a variable inductor and tune for maximum field strength at 51.0 Mc. Early schematics indicated that L6 could be tuned. |
As it works out the Fish Pole Antenna length of 110 inches is a half wave on 51.0 Mcs. Basically you have a "end fed" half wave with the same gain as a half wave doublet. The H-33B handset with the straight cord acts as a counterpoise and its length is more than the 5% of a half wave counter poise usually needed for a end fed half wave. |
TIP: A simple guy line tie point can be fabricated to provide for attachment of light weight guy lines for the fish pole antenna. This is especially important during solo ops when attempting to break the MRCA PRC-10 distance records held by KD3ZK and K4CHE. |
Antenna Checks - - Confirming that an Antenna connector is Active | |
Aux Ant BNC center pin to ground: Less than 1 to 2 ohms depending on the
length of the probe leads. ( The BNC is connected to Xmit Osc Coil L9
which has a tap that is grounded to the chassis.)
ME-61 Meter 10 and 6 Meter modification that works with very low power
levels. An even more gain can be obtained by doing additional improvements. http://k4che.com/ME-61/ME-61.htm
TIP: Make a clamp to hold the PTT when testing. |
WHY - All this fuss about testing the antenna ports? Ans. Because if anyone has removed the front control panel then the chances are that the antenna wiring is either not correct or is completely missing on one or more of the antenna connectors. |
![]() An excellent piece of test equipment - simple and my favorite. |
A test light bulb fixture is used to check each antenna port for RF. The manual also discusses use of a light bulb for alignment - see Chapter 5 Transmitter Alignment. |
![]() Test fixtures fabricated from 3/8-24 and 5/16-18 bolts. Holes were drilled and brass bolts were soldered in the ends. Knurled nuts were put on before inserting the small bolts into the end and soldering. (I got lazy and did not tap the bolts.) BNC fixtures are available on ePay or at hamfests or just use a short piece of RG-58 cable with the center conductor and shield open and the other end terminated with a BNC. |
Winding is
about a half and inch long. Wire size is not very critical. Target inductance
is 4-5 uH. Try something different wind a coil- light up your bulb. |
to hold and protect coil windings. Yes it does effect the Q slightly but
not enough to keep you awake at night. Works good and lasts a long time. |
Antenna bulb indication with additional "loading coil" in series
should be about half (1/2) brilliance. DO NOT use the short antenna "test"
loading coil on the other outputs. No Workee. |
Continue with Section 2 Power, Alignment, trouble shooting, operations tips. |