Gilbert 2016 Continued | |
Ray KA3EKH takes a break from operating his GRC-106. Ray used his GRC-106 as NCS for the Saturday Moose and Squirrel net. |
uses one of the two hooks for an antenna mount. Neat Idea. |
KA3EKH home brew VHF antenna. Improvise
- Adapt - Overcome |
Transmitter hunt winners. Justin KA3TIN, Dean KK1K and Al N3FRQ. |
DF links for BC-611 equipment etc. |
K4CHE Fox Box on 3885. Using OTS boards from ePay and a home brew 555 Timer. Cover has an access hole to view the flashing LED. |
Spare batteries and documentation can be stored in the left side. |
The PVC loading coils were adjusted using 8 feet of wire and a ME-61 FS meter. |
Plenty of radio gear in the Red Ball Flea Market. |
Early Sat Comm antenna for the EKAF system. |
I've logged some time in one of these off the coast of Okinawa. |
Red Ball Flea market bargain, VHF broadband antenna. I got one for $15. |
I all most purchased the 5 but resisted the temptation. Was going to also buy the box of aircraft radio cables but got distracted and some one got them - you snooze - you lose. |
Would look good on my M151A1 but way too expensive. |
KW1I with his LED current monitor for coax. |
KW1I Current Monitor for Tuning low power sets. Tune for max on the LED. Hook it up to the radio first. |
Breakfast chow line is always popular on Saturday. Steve Gajkowski -KD3HT aka "Grasshopper" set up this meal. |
The Discone antenna quiz was administered to approximate 40 people. Over half could not figure out the polarization. |
The K4CHE table set up for GRA-39 testing. |
K4CHE GRA-39 Testing using a GRC-106 owned by KA3EKH |
The subject of using a GRA-39 on a GRC-106 occupied a lot of bandwidth on the MRCA reflector. Everyone said it would not work. But just use pin J on the GRC-106. Works great. The famous Military Radio Collector Mr. Tom Bryan N3AJA made the suggestion about using pin J on the audio jack of the GRC-106. IMPROVISE- ADAPT- OVERCOME
wire mobile with the GRA-39. |
Command set mobile. |
Pete WB2JWU tabulates and double checks the FMT contest entries. Guess who got #1 on the first FMT session? |
The BC-611 on the left was repainted with AutoZone black wrinkle and over sprayed with " Signal Corps Green, Type one". Available from the dealer TM9 Ordnance . The new PTT rubber cover came from Mr. Robert Downs WA5CAB.. |
This is the same MRCA group photo as shown at the beginning but just a reminder as to what the MRCA meet at Gilbert is all about and that is your radio buddies. It doesn't get any better than that. 73 Breck K4CHE