RCA Gilbert    Rally 2012             Page 7                                         k4che                     



              Yuki KW2K and Zorro K4che confer on her article to be submitted to CQ. I am sure I bored her with my stories of my many visits to "Electric City". Akabara. If I remember correctly they used to have an office for the JARL there.









                                                  Alex K2JR and Yuki's (KW2K) Display.






                                                      Jeff KG2BZ inspects the Russian set.

                      Bob AB8OP  supervises while Zorro drives. Wish I had all the parts from the busted up Mules that I have air dropped. I could build several.

                                            The famous "Radio Bunker and his wares.        

              Sort of rare- - - the battery a BA-1264 that attaches to the rear of the URC-4. Later batteries did not have the radio attachment point.
                             Lots of URC-4 stuff in the flea maarket

                                                  Lots of wire items.

                   $50 bucks a set, you can't buy just the crystals for that. AT-1011 mount in the rear.

                                           Complete with shock mount   !


                 Radio buddies, Bill KA3AIX on the left. Craig N3TPM on the right. Several years ago these troops did an outstanding display at the Reading Air Show.

                                                   Reading Air Show Display, KA3AIX, N3TPM.


                            Very handy diagram of the 4110-185 watt meter.



                                           Thanks again Redball!

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