page 4 Friday

                         Its early Friday, Warren, K1BOX shakes the dew off
of the tarps and opens up for business.



           Ask Warren to show you his notebook.



                        Mystery Test Set on Warren's Table

                      A crowd quickly gathers around Warren's tables.
                                 Out in the MVPA area the flea market opens early.


                                          Mark, KD3ZK with his SCR-593/BC-728

                    Zorro's Angry 5 display, note the   "Hands On" display card
                            encouraging  visitors to turn on and try out the set.
                             Can you find:
                                  C Rations
                                  P-51 Can Opener
                                  Dog Tags
                                  Today's lunch
                     What does not belong in the picture?                             


Don't know what a P-38 or a P-51 can opener is? See

           Hold it so I can see the data plate.



      Nice mobile mount for the FSE-38
See link below for powering
up the FSE-38 and "simple" tuning instructions.


             Page 5  Field Excercise