pg 2

        Click on most of the photos to enlarge.

    W3PWW's magnificent BC-669.




  Al N3FRQ is finished with his set up.

                  photo KW1I



                              Al's dynamotor power supply  and "carbon Mike" holder.


     "Every body gets everything he wants, I've always wanted
an Angry five, and for my sins they gave me one.
Delivered it to me just like room service."


     It even had the key.









      Everyone likes the Angry 5.         











       Jeff gives the Angry 5 the once over. 

         A long wire augments Rob's mobile TCS.
        M151A1 with 50 Cal tracers over the Delaware
         C&D canal the ledgendary Steve X  stops by to inspect.

Also know as William Donzelli!
                 Toober's wares.



Who's Stuff?  A Mystery ? ?                             
                  Continue with Page 3