Page 3
                 Night Ops !
of the closely guarded secrets maintained during the past rallies of the MRCA are the night operations.
I was finally allowed to witness the operations of the Secret Lantern Society
hereto referred to as SLS.
     The background of these night operations is sketchy at best but the focal point of the SLS operations appear to be centered closely around the use of artificial light that is not powered by the AC mains------preferably lanterns that consume white gasoline or similiar flamable fuels.The rationale for this is vague and undetermined at this point----perhaps it is just the ghostly lighting or perhaps the participants are breathing and effected by the fumes, who knows. ----------Its a MRCA mystery.

These SLS operations usually commence after dinner when most of the rally participants have left or have returned to their tents for much needed sleep after consuming numerous 807s at "Studebakers Restaurant".      Only the diehards remain.


   Returning from the dinner at Studebakers I could feel the energy emitting from the headquarters and sensed a mystery or change in the air and knew that the "SLS" event would soon start. I wasn't exactly invited but I was not refused admission either. I hastely withdrew and returned to my tent to fetch my camera.
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     Here they are: the main ringleaders of the "SLS" preparing for the first ceremonial "light off" of the evening. Note the concentration of the task at hand shown on their faces.





.Rob finds it hard to trouble shoot his display equipment but continues with painstaking efforts. Even referring to a manual.



                                  It might be broken drive belt.                







              Anyone have any rubber bands?       










          A second "SLS" lantern is lit.
                  Undaughted Rob continues to concentrate.
            I am not sure but this mystery part--D-182171- perhaps a WWII fuse ?? might be part of the overall "SLS" operation as one each (1) was handed out to each participant. Each participant was instructed to have this device on his person throughout the evening.

      And yet a third, yes folks, a third "SLS" device is lit. Soon the entire interior of the building was basking in the artificial light of the "SLS" lanterns.

 Next would be the "Chairs in the Circle" ceremony but since I was the newbie I was not allowed to witness this event much less take pictures. It is rumored that secret military radio repair procedures are discussed "in the round". These confabulations include discussing secret modifications and the locations of caches of NOS military radio equpment. Perhaps at the next rally I will be privy to the event.



                            Mystery Stuff?




   The mystery stuff sits there in the darkness beckoning. Will it be there at sunrise? Who is the owner?


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