MRCA Gilbert    Rally 2012        page 4



                         The MRCA is now International thanks to one of our members Yuki KW2K


                        Excellent article with a good photo layout. She even included Bob AB8OP and his mule.
                                                   CLICK TO ENLARGE

                                Yuki also provided a Japaneese to English translation.                  


                    Link for CQ Ham Radio magazine:

                           The flea market was very busy early Friday. Admission is free.




             Photos of my obsession of duplicating the BC-611 DF coupling unit the BC-1387. Email me for details of the coil or wait until I get the whole project posted.





                                                k4che BC-1387 "working" replica.


                  My unit is shown on the right and an actual unit owned by Dave KB3ELD on the left. Dave has a lot of stuff. I was quite a bit off on my estimation of the size of the enclosure. But I used standard aluminum stock as the basis for the enclosure and was limited in the sizes.



                                     My wrinkle paint color was a little off also.


                                                       You can always count on fog at Gilbert.


                                                                  Gilbert Fog Video






                         A fairly rare "swivel antenna base" in a pile of antennas.



             This is what Gilbert is all about. Your radio buddies. The famous ebay'er and collector William Donzelli on the left and world class military radio collector Jack Antonio WA7DIA on the right.
                    William Donzelli has a lot of very interesting older radio items on ePay:


                                           My Type 12 VHF mobile station and Pete's shoes.

                                                       Type 12 Video

                                A dangerous pair that need adult supervision at all times.
                    Ole Buzzard Rich W2OBR and "The Phantom of Smyrna" W3OWE

                  Brown  W1NZR shops for yet another antenna. You can't have enough antennas.

                                   Perfect for going to Wawa for bread and milk.
                                             Really nice BC-1306 installation.

                                                Cheap $5.00

                                   "This mask is gonna ruin my foundation".


                                    Zorro's table. BC-474 used on 80 and 40 meters.
                                          An easy mod is available for 40 meters.

                                         Pete WB2JWU displays his Paraset.
                             Continue with Page 5