Base Connector A fabricated connector that is small and maintains the coaxial characteristics of the antenna mast. Standard SO-239 connector. Easily stored in the antenna canvas bag. |
Use the 1 and 1/4 hole saw to make two spacers that will support the center brass tube conductor. Then drill a one half inch hole in the center of each spacer. Trim and sand outside edges of the spacers for a tight fit inside the copper T-connector. Lexan is excellent material but plywood will suffice. |
Brass tubing is 2 and 1/4 inches in length. |
Drill 1/8 hole at the end of the brass tubing,this will be used for wiring for the connector center conductor. |
Solder the area around the nut on the connector with the connector in place. Keep solder off of the connector body as you will have to unscrew it from the T- connector. Use plenty of heat, A teflon connector is best. |
"I love the smell of zinc chromate in the morning". |
Use plywood for the base, Use a hole saw and drill 1/8 inch deep hole in the top for the mount. |
Don't forget the stencils. |
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